
Students from the Netherlands gave presentation about the present state of food wasting in the retail sector

On 15th June 2017, students of Wageningen University gave a presentation in the Communicational Office of National Food Chain Safety Office about their experience on food wasting situation in the retail sector of Budapest. In their presentation they mostly shared their impressions connected to the research, since they will start deeper analysis of data (collected in Hungary) after arriving at home, in the Netherlands. Colleagues of NÉBIH provided them continuous help during the implementation of the research.


In their research, students from the Netherlands made field work in 5 districts of Budapest, which focused on making a survey of the stakeholders’ activity on moderating food waste in the retail sector.


Especially, they investigated supermarkets, local shops, and open markets from the aspect of ordering, storing, pricing and consumer behaviour.


According to the preliminarily results introduced in the presentation, there are several innovations which are already applied in Western Europe (such as online supermarket, telephone application), but aren’t wide-spread yet in Budapest.


Besides that they talked about some potentially applicable solution, nevertheless they considered important the Hungarian experts to adobt an opinion on the national implementability of the initiatives suggested by the students. A representative of TESCO, the Hungarian  Food Bank Association, and Szent István University were also part of the audience. In the frame of interactive conversations Dutch students asked the participants’ opinion about the suggested good practices. The final purpose of their research is to identify, which are the most probably applicable food waste prevention practices in Hungarian relations.

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