
The heroes were choosen by the Hungarian Lidl and Wasteless


Lidl Hungary’s educational programme, with the professional support of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), drew the attention of schoolchildren to the problem of food waste and its prevention, came to an end. In the framework of the Food Heroes competition, food saving champions were sought, and the winners’ creations will be available nationwide to decorate Lidl’s 2022/23 timetable.


The competition, launched by Lidl for the fourth time, allowed students to use their imagination to create timetable plans showing what they would do to reduce food waste. The aim of the campaign was to raise children’s awareness of the importance of responsible food and food waste management in a playful and educational way. To this end, the Nébih’s Wasteless programme provided participating children and their families useful tips that they can use in their everyday life too.

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