
Wasteless before the summer break


The last Wasteless lessons of this semester were held on 28 May in the Medgyessy Ferenc German Nationality Elementary School in Békásmegyer, Budapest.


The playful lessons resulted in noisy classrooms, which we really appreciated, since the pupils shared all their thoughts with us in connection with the topic of food waste.


During our awareness raising lessons the children always have the chance to take part in our games. When we asked them whether women or men tend to waste more in Hungary (according to the results of our researches men tend to waste more), a 4th grader claimed that girls should waste less, since they are thinner. This suggestion illustrates the results of Zorka Sztilkovics well, who examined the attitudes of children towards food waste and wastage.


The next report on our experiences will give insight into our thematic summer camp to be held in June, awarded to the two most skilful classes of our online quiz competition organized in spring.


Don’t forget: we will continue sharing the most memorable moments from September again, gained during the Wasteless lessons.


We wish every child and their teachers a very joyous summer holiday!

Kapcsolódó tartalmak

FOODRUS project consortium meeting


Wasteless lesson in the Great Hungarian Plain


Wasteless Christmas
