
New website for educational materials


The National Food Chain Safety Office’s educational materials have been collected on a new website, available at: On this page, the teachers can easily find the existing materials for children of age 4-14 in form of children’s books, audios, animations, editable presentations, games, guide for pedagogues, aiming at food waste prevention and food safety risk.

Since the beginning of the Wasteless School Programme in 2016, a number of education materials have been developed. More recently, a food safety story book on food waste prevention practices in the kitchen was published as an audio book (available also in e-book). For the adult consumers, the National Food Chain Safety Office published a Guide for kitchen hygiene and food safety during human epidemiologic situations, which also focuses on food waste prevention.

With the beginning of the summer holiday these materials can be useful for parents and organisers of summer camps to initiate discussion with children on the topic of food waste and sustainable food consumption.

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Refreshed in Barcelona


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