
Wasteless at Campus Festival


Between 21th and 24th of July, the National Food Chain Safety Office took part as an exhibitor at the Campus festival. The music festival was held in Debrecen – which is the second biggest city after the capital of Hungary – and it was visited by 87,000 people during the four days. NFCSO, together with the Hajdú Bihar County Food Rescue Association raised awareness of the importance of food waste prevention and advised about useful practices.


From children to the older generations, lots of people arrived at the Wasteless booth, where they could fill a quiz, which contained questions about composting, shelf life, and prevention.
The quiz was filled by about 400 people and the visitors had the opportunity to choose a gift. Between the correct respondents, we made a lottery and the luckiest won gift certificates.
Lots of children came to the Wasteless booth because of the glitter tattoo, but adults also wore the colourful logo of Wasteless and NFCSO during the festival.

The participants also could take a picture with the Instagram frame of Wasteless.

During the four days, approximately 2-3000 curious people came to our booth to expand their knowledge about food waste. We hope that the inquiring people who filled the quiz, could learn from the answers and got new information.

Kapcsolódó tartalmak

Households are wasting more home cooked meals


Mátra, camp, fresh air and homemade mint-lemon balm syrup – sounds great, doesn’t it?


Wasteless: virtual lesson in ‘Fészek’ Waldorf School, Solymár
