
Food waste experts in Berlin


On 13th of June, 2019 the Team Wasteless travelled to Berlin in order to participate at the REFOWAS: Food Waste Monitoring and Prevention Workshop, where European food waste experts discussed current challenges and national approaches for monitoring, reporting, and measurement of food waste. The 12th Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations was in the centre of the workshop, focusing on the Sub-Goal of food waste reduction.


The Hungarian situation was demonstrated by the Team Wasteless, based on the highlights of the research conducted in November 2016.


Fun fact according to the experiments of the University of Stuttgart, a one-week measurement of food waste in hotels could be enough to draw the attention of the staff on this problem. In all three experiments, the amount of food waste significantly dropped after only one week. Although this effect moderated over time, they were still wasting considerably less food than before.


Source of the picture: Pixabay

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