
Wasteless Christmas


According to the data food waste generated by the Hungarian households was estimated to be 65.5 kg per capita annually. In connection with the hospitality, eating and drinking associated with the holidays it seems mandatory to have even more food waste in the rubbish bin than the rest of the year. In our 2021 Christmas campaign we tried to raise awareness with a special Christmas calendar, and we collected our favourite food waste reducing tips and tricks for the holidays.


We know that more food waste is thrown away during the Christmas period, not only from unavoidable food waste originating from baking and cooking like eggshells and bones, but also from leftovers.


During the Advent preparation we revealed a traditional Christmas food or drink and the most important storage preparation and reusing tips associated with them daily to help the community avoid wasting more food at Christmas!


In our Christmas calendar we talked about the main Hungarian Christmas foods and drinks like stuffed cabbage, fish soup, gingerbread, serbo, christmas candy, bread, orange or mulled wine and tea.



The calendar is available in Hungarian at the Wasteless Facebook page.


We’ve also put together some of the most important but simple and practical tips that can help reduce Christmas food waste.


It is a basic principle not to buy more food, not to cook more and not to put more on our plate than we can eat without leftovers!



Further tips for a wasteless Christmas:


We consider the event a success. We have gained more than 170 new followers and achieved almost 83 567 reaches on our social media platforms.



More information about food waste and food waste prevention are available on the website of ‘Wasteless’:


Social media platforms of ‘Wasteless’:




Kapcsolódó tartalmak

The program Wasteless officially began


Significant move towards sustainability: waste-less living is rising in Hungary


Science Mosaic in the Palace of Miracles
