
Students against food wastage

The project Wasteless of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NFCSO) handles the awareness-raising of students in a special way in order to prevent food wastage. The main content of the school programme is the material edited by the experts of Wasteless (


NFCSO’s programme Wasteless was launched in 2016 and aims to prevent food wastage in households and reduce the amount of food waste. Earlier the programme has already targeted the adult population, but now they’ve broadened their target groups.


NFCSO extends its project Wasteless to the age of elementary school, because the relation to food, the habits in connection with conscious purchase and environmental protection can be formed most easily in childhood.


The basis of the programme is the informative publication edited by food-chain experts, which tries to introduce the problem of food wastage to children in an easily understandable way and offers several solutions to the children which can be applied to help them reduce the extent of food wastage in their own households. We hope that through the children we can address the parents as well; therefore conscious and less wasting consumption of food can become part of the everyday life of families.


Dávid Szakos, the colleague of the Wasteless programme report his experiences in Herman Ottó Primary School:

„I held two lectures today, each of them for 20-25 persons. The first group was composed of students in the first and second grade of school. They really liked the group games, we enjoyed ourselves. The second group was a class in the third grade and their head teacher and the ladies from the kitchen also took part. They listened quietly and were very interested, and they commented very good things. It was a magnificent experience. The children also commented very nice things, but maybe the best of them was when I asked them if they want to comment or question, and a boy told me that after of all that he will never throw food in the rubbish, although he’d used to throw out an apple after taking only a few bites. They are waiting for us next year.


To schools interested in the programme we recommend our quiz started on 26th of March. For more details click on the link below:


Source: NFCSO

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